Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Marketing And The Media Essay Example For Students

Marketing And The Media Essay Matthew CourtneyMay 2000Media Ethics and Their Relation to Business In this world, there is an obvious connection between the media and its involvement in business ethics. No matter what the form of media looked at, they all have the ability of being either an aid to business’s success or a detriment. The press and the media are responsible for reporting news, issues and events as clearly as possible. Any distortions can cause the message being sent to be misinterpreted or completely wrong. News organizations are given a responsibility of representing the public interest. In order to gain the public’s trust, such broadcasters are required to work within the parameters of ethical and responsible new casting. No matter what the issue, company or news being reported on, every media organization works off of a Code of Ethics. This is a sort of safeguard to the honesty of the organization. It demands truth telling, privacy of individuals being documented, and avoids the many conflicts that could possibly arise as a result of misinforming the public. Stylebooks are also used in order to form a generalized style of writing to allow for easy read through, from one writer to the next. There are many different kinds of businesses in this world. The successes of these businesses are primarily as a result of their reputation. The media winds up being a medium that forms many of the reputations. The way a news broadcast, print, radio and even Internet presents a company has a great effect on the resulting emotion or feeling one associates with a business or company. This is why the media ethics are so important to the introduction, growth, and development of a company. Large companies rely on their name in the media and are always ready to respond to any situation with a quick answer or rebuttal. In addition to the reputation of a company being important, so is the reputation of the organization doing the broadcast. Names in the business world that are known to be accurate and reliable include CNN, CSPAN, local news stations such as CBS, NBC, ABC etc. Those who watch the business world closely are more inclined to go to reliable sources for their information. What is reported on these stations are considered as true based mainly on their past records. But when the occasion does arise, where the media goes about treating a business, or situation in an unethical manner many problems arise. In order to understand this type of situation clearly, it is good to look at actual examples where the media ethics become involved in communicating or the miscommunication of a business. Many recent problems in the media world are being attributed to the advances in technology. Although these advances are great and making life easier, things are being done so quickly that many important steps are being forgotten. In the rush to present a story first, many journalists are forgetting to be accurate and balanced in their covered stories. The pressures of live broadcast are requiring journalists to focus on a new set of questions in order to check and be sure the position and format in which they present their story is clear of any unethical issues. A committee known as SPJ is focused on the ethics of journalism in all forms of media and claims â€Å"The SPJ Code of Ethics encourages journalists to minimize harm by recognizing that our coverage can hurt, cause discomfort or be insensitive. During an event we must remember to ‘show good task. Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity.† Being aware is the most important thing. As long as the media is aware of the impact they will have on their audience, they will be better able to communicate the core of what is at hand. In the business world there is so much competition, that failure is a common thing. In order to be secure in the business world ethics becomes unavoidable. The press and media are attracted to ethical issues on both sides of the matters. A business that is ethical will be regarded and presented almost always in an ethical manner. These are the ones who succeed and are able to make a reputation that will give them confidence to make it in the real world. Thos e who are unethical will eventually be deemed with that quality. It is a negative quality that can destroy a company. This is where the media tends to play such a crucial part of the situation. The role of the media and the press is to communicate to the public a number of aspects of a company or business. The media must portray a company in a certain way in order to gain the initial attention of the public. This may be originally done through advertising. Yet, the already established companies are the ones who are relying on the press to update the city, town or nation on their current situations in the business world. Every medium the media has, whether it be news, radio etc. is given the opportunity through words to present a business in either a positive or negative view, serious or joking manner, respectable or untrustworthy company etc. With so many options at hand, business wind up putting a lot of trust in these organizations. Of course, some will be able to carry out such a responsibility better, and this is where the positioning of one’s business becomes important. CNN isn’t going to look at the local neighborhood bakery; instead they are going to fo cus both their time and energy on the large banks, investing companies, real estate firms etc. The business magazines are going to look at the biggest names in the field because that is what they are responsible for looking at. Crane’s will look at only the top real estate and property management companies because they have given themselves a reputation for only focusing on the best. Positioning plays a major role on both the media end and the business end. Newspapers and news broadcasts are to hold the responsibility of reporting accurately at a very high standard. If there wrong information regarding a business is reported, there are many effects and outcomes that can be triggered. From the business world’s perspective everyone is well aware of the role of ethics. In every decision made, businesses are required to look at the situation and make in all cases an ethical decision. It is interesting to look at the role of ethics in businesses compared to the role of ethics in life. For one reason or another, business ethics seem to be held in higher regard. This may be plain and simply because money is involved and everyone is out to succeed. When you see business ethics in that light is clear how important the media is in creating clear communication lines of all business ethics- to the best of their abilities. TRIBUNEMany times in the mission statement of a media organization, you can tell how highly they hold ethics as a part of their company and their reporting. Of course every mission statement will vary, but one underlying element is whether or not the ethics are valued. More or less, ethics can be the backbone to most statements and if followed, it will result in an ethical company. LOCAL PARTY COMMITTEE SUMMARY EssayIn order to be the success that they are, they have drawn up a number of policies that they go by. The main one I found to be of ethical importance is as follows:â€Å"Public policies should be market driven and industry led. Policies should be developed collaboratively, with input from industry leaders, government officials, and perhaps most importantly, consumers and other stakeholders. Public or private gatekeepers should not be allowed to prevent new entry, deny business opportunities or limit the free flow of information in the Internet.† AOL has been called one of the most popular companies in the Internet market. Everything they are communicating over their Internet waves must be of value. AOL must communicate all ethical business matters in order to be regarded and trusted by other companies. Those businesses that refuse to look after their own self-interests will not be in business long enough to have any impact. At the same time, however, there can certainly be regard for a larger purpose. For some businesses, commitment to a larger purpose would be simply learning the difference between right and wrong, while others take a more responsible view of the role they play in the lives of their employees, their customers, and ultimately how they affect the world. AOL did just that and is a major success because of it. AOL shows its users the importance of a company with value and passes these ideals onto its users. It is careful to represent only that which has worth. The media is the connection between businesses and the consumer. Through this connection there is always a careful eye taken by the media to focus on the various actions of companies and their corporate ethics. The media plays a major role in communicating these ethics because they wind up playing such an evident part in the consumer’s decision-making process. The concepts of right and wrong seem so simple on the surface. Webster’s defines morality as adherence to a standard of right human conduct. Superficially, that definition would be easy for the simple to understand. When the focus is narrowed, however, it seems that the concept of morality grays in its boundaries. Unfortunately, wrong to some becomes acceptable by others. Morality is not only the black and white that the simple so seemingly effortlessly can see, with that clear line of separation between it and immorality. In the media world, it is necessary to view these black and white areas as simple as possibl e in order for the most generalized understanding to occur. The media becomes successful in connecting the ethics of business with the consumer mind when all is done in the correct context and with no distortions at all. For the media to act responsibly is for the media to act intelligently. Much of what is called â€Å"unethical conduct† is unintelligent conduct. The media must fulfill their roll as contributing to the ethics of business and in a way representing everything in a truthful manner. A business places this trust in the media, while at the same time the media relies on the trust that whatever they are reporting is in reality carried out by the business. The press and the media must be reliable in the dealings with all businesses no matter what there status in the business world. All companies must be treated fairly and given the chance to prove their value to the customer. The media and the press have the ability to reach all kinds of people, of all ages, and all over the world. Having this much power it is clear that they have an impact unlike many others. PBSIn doing this research I came across one of FAIR’s reports on the Public Broadcasting Station. Everyone is aware that this form of television is exactly that- public. The mission of PBS is simply, â€Å"to provide a voice for groups in the community that may otherwise be unheard.† This station and form of media is based on value not money. It’s reputation has been built up to be only ‘noted’ by a limited audience. Much of the business world that PBS presents is readily available on CNN, CSPAN, and MSNBC etc. This inattention by public television to a wide ranged audience, such as the views and experiences of working people is of concern due to the large growth of business programs and the increasing visibility of the corporate voice. PBS is commonly regarded as that of a teaching channel. This organization prides itself on the organizations and companies it presents to its audience no matter how limited it may be. PBS holds strong against privatizing and feeling confident on relying on sponsors to support their organization. This form of media probably can be noted as having among the best intentions. Educational motives, creates what may be the most honest and truthful form of communication. That which PBS presents looks to give its viewers the clearest picture of what is being scene. Perhaps this programming which may not be regarded as highly as other stations- may deliver the best in communicating the ethics of business and what it means to be a part of the corporate world to its viewers. IN SUMLooking at the role the press and media plays in communicating the ethics of business makes you look at the wider spectrum of what exactly a organization is reporting and the manner in which they are presenting the material. Ethics is a big part of humanity and the only thing that at least attempts at keeping things honest. If the media and the press were not responsible for looking at various companies and reporting their findings to the consumer, then many companies would attempt at taking advantage of individuals. Companies receive the majority of their reputation, whether it be weak or strong, due to the media. The media reinforces ethics. It is a constant reminder that the ethics in the corporate world are not to be forgotten. This is important for the sake of honest trade, consumer loyalty and the well being of all markets in the world. The individual organizations that make up the â€Å"media† hold this responsibility once there mission statement notes they have a loyalty to their reader, listener, viewer etc. Ethics and the media go hand in hand, the roles they play within each other are indispensable. Websites contacted for information:Marketing Essays

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